Protect Yourself from Natural Disaster Scams


In the aftermath of natural disasters, many feel compelled to donate to relief efforts. Unfortunately, scammers exploit this goodwill, creating charity scams that victimize well-intentioned donors. At UT Federal Credit Union, we aim to educate our members to protect them from these fraudulent activities.

How Scams Operate

Scammers use various methods to solicit donations fraudulently, including emails, texts, phone calls, and social media. These scams can direct victims to fake charity websites or download malicious software that steals personal information.

Do’s and Don’ts of Charity Scams


  • Avoid Cryptocurrency-Only Donations: Established charities usually do not accept cryptocurrency as the sole payment method.
  • Verify Tax Deductibility: Use the IRS’s tax exemption search tool to confirm a charity’s eligibility.
  • Report Suspicious Activities: Report any suspicious emails or websites to the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center.
  • Research Before Donating: Use search engines to check the charity’s name alongside the word “scam” or visit the FTC’s page on safe donations.
  • Be Skeptical of Unsolicited Requests: Be cautious of unsolicited emails or social media requests for donations.
  • Look for Official URLs: Legitimate charities usually have ".org" domains.


  • Avoid Pressure Tactics: Reputable charities will not pressure you into donating immediately.
  • Don’t Respond to Unsolicited Emails: These might contain harmful links or viruses.
  • Don’t Use Money Transfer Services: Legitimate charities typically do not request donations via money transfer services or social media.

Example of a text message charity scam

How UT Federal Credit Union Helps

We provide resources to help our members identify and avoid charity scams. By staying informed and cautious, you can protect your donations and ensure they reach legitimate causes.

For more information and tips on staying safe from scams, visit Allied Solutions' Guide on Natural Disaster Charity Scams.

Stay vigilant and help protect yourself and others from fraud. Together, we can make a difference!

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